
Restoring health using food as medicine

Nutritional Programs

With so much conflicting information circulating about nutrition, there are many opposing opinions and viewpoints that are constantly fighting for the spotlight. This confusion tends to cloud the science, and leads to frustration for those who are looking for the “perfect” diet for optimal health.

The truth is that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet – your diet should be just as unique as you are. After all, one man’s medicine is another man’s poison. While there are generalized truths – such as a diet composed primarily of fresh, whole foods is required for good health – the foods that heal you may harm someone whose body does not tolerate them well. For example, while eggs are an exceptionally nutrient-dense food, they can lead to a variety of health issues for someone who has a sensitivity or intolerance to them.


"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food."
- Hippocrates

Nutritional programs at Quiet Tiger are personalized to address your unique needs. Since nutrition is never one-size-fits-all, we use a variety of tools to assess your needs, and guide us toward developing a practical nutrition plan that is just right for your body.

Through this process, we will identify:
• What triggers are blocking your ability to heal
• How to make better food choices
• Where to go to find those foods
• How to practically apply good nutrition to your busy lifestyle

Our Philosophy: Food Is Medicine, and Food Heals

The nutrients in your food work together in perfect synchronization to fuel your body, and balance out your biochemistry. For example, there are over 200 known nutrients and phytonutrients found in the carrot root. Not only are carrots a great source of beta-carotene, but they are also rich in zinc, lysine, calcium, folate, and many other essential nutrients.

Think of your body as a symphony. When we begin to separate all of the necessary components from one another, the orchestra either stops playing, or sounds incomplete. Let’s take synthetic vitamins for example. Store-bought vitamins are man-made, and can be difficult for the body to metabolize. Recent discoveries in nutritional science have revealed that synthetic vitamins can actually do more harm than good over time. This is why it is important to get as many nutrients as possible from fresh, whole foods. The body needs a variety of essential nutrients that work together to get the full spectrum of health benefits.

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